Dr. Viljar Peep (former Deputy Chancellor of the Estonian Ministry of Justice)

viljar peep

former Deputy Chancellor of the Estonian Ministry of Justice

Dr. Viljar Peep was from 2018 to 2023 Deputy secretary general, Estonian Ministry of Justice. He was responsible for the court administration, trade and land registers, notariat, civil enforcement, legal aid, the National Gazette. Some achievements are digital proceedings in civil and administrative cases (2023), the digital cross-serving of documents (2022), workflows redistribution between courts (2020), remote and hybrid notarisation (2020). Before he was the head of the Estonian authority for data protection and freedom of information in 2008-2018. Therefore Dr. Viljar Peep started to work for the Ministry of Justice in 1995. Some of his achievements are online trade register 1997, 2-hours company registration 2006, cross-border usage of e-signatures 2008. He has a PhD from the Tartu University and taught history of economy at Tallinn University of Technology.